Be part of Colombia's science-based ecosystem. A hub for investors, startups, scientists, entrepreneurs, universities, corporations, and ecosystem enablers.

Get to know the DeepTech Colombia Alliance

Participate in the DeepTech 2025 Report

We want to convene as many relevant actors of this ecosystem as possible. Select the role that corresponds to the nature of your organization and fill out the form. Don’t know what your role is? 

Participate in the DeepTech 2025 Report

We want to convene as many relevant actors of this ecosystem as possible. Select the role that corresponds to the nature of your organization and fill out the form. Don’t know what your role is? 

DeepTech is the investment opportunity
of the decade and we must prepare.

More than 70% of Colombia’s GDP is based on industries (energy, health, food) that will suffer a radical disruption due to DeepTech.  

 The DeepTech alliance brings together actors who want to make a difference for the science-based business ecosystem.  In the alliance, actors are mapped, a report on the progress of the ecosystem is created and the offer of the actors is centralized.  

Colombia has comparative advantages that we must consolidate

Agriculture, Food, Reforestation and Health

(high level of contribution in the region, strategic advantage, scalability)

control in consumption, alternative energies and storage

(Strategic advantage, limited scalability)

We must increase our pipeline of science-based businesses in sectors such as agriculture, food, health and energy. That is why we join startups, organizations and corporations to define a common purpose.

Our Higher Purpose

To be the region with the most bio-profitable, sustainable and reference square kilometer for the world in the next 10 years.  

How will we make it possible?


The DeepTech Colombia Alliance lands at the Genera Summit 2024

Colombia’s goal by 2027 is to invest 100 million USD to finance technology-based companies leveraged on science.  

Learn more here

Revolutionizing Gut Microbiome Analysis in Colombia

Did you know that until recently, there were no microbiota tests specifically developed in Colombia?

Learn more here

Are we heading towards a technological utopia or dystopia?

The integration of technologies such as mixed reality helmets and cryptocurrencies into our daily lives means that we will soon have augmented digital environments.  

Learn more here

General Management





Featured Startups in DeepTech